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Wife, mom, blogger, skincare formulator, researcher, singer…Christina wears a lot of hats to say the least.  Christina’s love of music began at a very young age.  Growing up in a family with a rich musical heritage, Christina was drawn especially to Gospel Music.  Gaither Music was the soundtrack of her family’s home.  Christina has known from a young age that she had a burden for people and where they are in their journey.  In 2014, The Lord spoke to Christina’s heart about ministering in song someday with Channing and their girls…God was speaking the same thing to Channing.  She made a vow to God that if given the opportunity and He opened a door to do so, she would absolutely walk boldly through that door with her family.

In 2015, Christina founded her lifestyle blog, Christina Eleton’s Real Girl Living.  Because of some health challenges in the past in her own life, Christina has a  passion to help people feel their best and thrive through proper cooking and lifestyle changes.  Channing refers to Christina as the rock of the group and the glue that holds it all together.  It is not uncommon to find Christina encouraging or praying for someone after a Channing Eleton Family concert.

Whenever not ministering onstage with the family:
Christina enjoys recreating known recipes with healthy ingredient swaps, working on her blog entries, formulating new skincare products, spending quality time with her husband, having mother/daughter days.

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