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Our first year…

Greetings everyone, (Channing Eleton subscribers and now Channing 

Eleton Family followers)!  Wow!  Where do I even begin?  What started out 

as a dream for Christina and me has turned into a reality.  Back in 2014, The 

Lord put a vision in my heart and mind to minister as a family onstage 

together, (little did I know, God was leading Christina in the same direction).

The next decade led us through many changes…little victories along the 

way and many dark days.  But, God was faithful.  He’s faithful in His 

promises.  When it seems like He’s not working, He is behind the scenes 

arranging and re-arranging things to fulfill His plan for your life.  We know 

firsthand that this is true.  It took nearly a decade, however, He has allowed 

us to step into a dream.

February of 2023, we were invited onto The Singing At Sea Cruise, (a 

Gospel Music cruise to the Bahamas).  I was to play for a reunion on this 

event, (a reunion former Gold City Quartet members).  It was a great 

getaway, (like a big family reunion of folks we hadn’t seen in years).  On the 

drive home, the Lord started speaking to my heart that it was time to fulfill 

the promise He had made all those years ago…little did I know, He was 

speaking to Christina’s heart as well.  

When we got home, we went to work.  Starting from nothing, the only thing 

we knew was to just gather around the piano and sing hymns.  We 

rehearsed for the next couple of months, gearing up for our first concert on 

7-16-23 at Cloud Springs Baptist in Fort Oglethorpe, GA.  We were amazed 

at how God blessed our first time as a family onstage.  Over the next few 

months doors began to open, churches called to book us, we began our first  

recording project.  We’re truly excited about our new season.  We can’t wait 

to see you somewhere on the road.  

Channing Eleton Family consists of me, (vocals, piano, accordion, guitar); 

Christina, (vocals); Chanler, (vocals, guitar, mandolin); Cheyenne, (vocals, 

guitar, bass guitar).  I’d love to ask you to pray for us, most importantly.  We 

have a calling and mandate from The Lord to carry out…we desperately 

need your prayers.  

Also, we’ve had several people ask about where they can go to make a tax-

deductible donation.  We are so excited that we can now do that and offer 

that to our supporters.  If The Lord lays it on your heart, you can help us to 

keep going by giving a one-time love gift or partnering with us each month.  

Click here for our DONATE page.  Again, we hope to see you very soon!  

Our schedule is located HERE.  Please pray for us and God bless you all!

Blessings and Love,

Channing Eleton

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